Because your organization depends upon its IT infrastructure to support its computing needs, it needs to have a reliable network that ensures connectivity and availability. A reliable network with maximum uptime will make it easy for IT users to access necessary resources when they need them.
StrikeNET Consults can help you keep your organization competitive. In our portfolio of High-Availability Networking Solutions, you find what you need from network infrastructure planning and design, implementation, and operations support to security planning and monitoring, installation and maintenance of the transmission media itself.
Our experienced, highly-trained professionals can help you construct and support a multi-service network that converges voice and data traffic.

Divided into three distinct Solutions aimed at meeting your high availability networking needs, we can help your organization deliver the productivity and innovation required for competitive success.
Network Infrastructure Solution
The core of any business is a network that provides the connectivity, performance and availability the business demands for both data and voice. Connectivity for employees, partners, suppliers and customers. Performance for your critical applications. And availability that never fails to keep your business running. StrikeNET Consults has the network consulting services, support services and products to address these requirements.
Structured Cabling Solution
High-availability networks need a solid foundation that spans the assortment of transmission media used by today mix of old and new technologies. Unless your transmission media plans include unshielded twisted-pair, optical-fiber and wireless technology, you face the hassle and the expense of continually upgrading your media systems, for current voice and data communications needs, as well as for future ones, too.
Secure Networking Solution
How safe is my network? High availability can also mean high vulnerability. Hardly a week goes by without headlines about a hacker latest achievement generally at the expense of an organization caught by surprise. StrikeNET Consults Secure Networking Solution helps you keep your network safe from hackers, viruses, and the many other sources of security vulnerability. As your network strategic importance grows, so will your appreciation for the scope of our security solutions.